
2010. • 111 perc
39 vélemény
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A filmről

Frank (Willis) is a former black-ops CIA agent living a quiet life alone...until the day a hit squad shows up to kill him. With his identity compromised, Frank reassembles his old team - Joe (Freeman), Marvin (Malkovich) and Victoria (Mirren) - and sets out to prove that they still have a few tricks up their sleeves. Stand back and watch the bullets fly in this explosive action-comedy.

Értékelések és vélemények

39 vélemény
Jason Mogollon
2021. augusztus 21.
I definitely definitely enjoyed watching this movie and I will watch it anytime it is on TV. Bruce Willis, his humor is very dry but it's okay. It still works well with the film. Bruce's love interest, Mary Louise Parker, I love how she is so interested in everything that he does and her curiosity is both heartwarming and cute. Morgan Freeman now come on man you know he's going to be awesome that's just a given. Look, just watch the trailer and if you like it go for it and definitely watch 2nd.
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yadon kno
2022. július 29.
This is a great movie to put on for your dad.
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Kathleen Martin
2020. december 3.
Loved this! Great acting, fast paced, Helen Mirren is wonderful in her role.
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