
2016 • 134 minút
52 recenzií
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Tento film

The incredible true story of Olympic legend Jesse Owens is vividly brought to life in Race. In his epic quest to be the greatest athlete in history, Owens chooses to compete in the 1936 Berlin Olympics, where he must overcome not only elite competition, but also the brutal racial climate of Adolf Hitler's Germany. Race is a film about courage, determination, tolerance, friendship and trust that critics are calling Movie Magic.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

52 recenzií
Greg's *Tupac Nation*
13. decembra 2016
Great biopic of an incredible athlete and human being. Pains me to see how they treated African Americans back then, although it was worse back then you would think by 2016 there would not be any racism anymore but sadly they still suffer a lot of the same. Very very sad.
Ineza Honore
15. decembra 2016
Such a great movie loved it
James M
30. októbra 2016
An enjoyable watch