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Rams (2020)

2021 • 118 ደቂቃዎች
27 ግምገማዎች
ኦዲዮም ሆነ የግርጌ ጽሁፍ በቋንቋዎ አይገኙም። የግርጌ ጽሁፍ በእንግሊዝኛ ይገኛል።

ስለዚህ ፊልም

Brothers Colin and Les have been fighting for decades. Both are award-winning sheep farmers but when disaster strikes and disease threatens their flocks, will they be able to work together to save their sheep, their legacy, and their community?
የተሰጠ ደረጃ

ደረጃዎች እና ግምገማዎች

27 ግምገማዎች
David Sean
13 ፌብሩዋሪ 2021
Closer to a M rating than a G. Darker than promoted in trailer. Struggling to see how this is a family film. If watching someone being shot at & fearing for their life is sweet & good fun, then I'm out of touch.
15 ሰዎች ይህን ግምገማ አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል
ይህን አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል?
Mat Smith
23 ፌብሩዋሪ 2021
Wasn't sure if I'd like it but it was a brilliant movie definitely recommend great Aussie family movie well acted too
1 ሰው ይህን ግምገማ አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል
ይህን አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል?
David Lee
21 ፌብሩዋሪ 2021
Coming from this country it was so beautiful to see the landscape and how difficult the CFA and farmers really have it. Just an amazing film.thank you
8 ሰዎች ይህን ግምገማ አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል
ይህን አጋዥ ሆኖ አግኝተውታል?

ለዚህ ፊልም ደረጃ ይስጡ

ምን እንደሚያስቡ ይንገሩን።