
1985 • 162 minút
94 recenzií
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Tento film

Akira Kurosawa's brilliantly conceived re-telling of Shakespeare's King Lear magically mixes Japanese history, Shakespeare's plot and Kurosawa's own feelings about loyalty in the epic masterpiece, RAN. Set in 16th century Japan, an aging ruler, Lord Hidetora (Tatsuya Nakadai), announces his intention to divide his land equally among his three sons. Hidetora's decision to step down unleashes a power struggle between the three heirs when he falls prey to the false flattery bestowed upon him by the two older sons and banishes the youngest for speaking the truth. That ruthless betrayal ultimately drives Hidetora insane, destroying his entire family and kingdom. Deep human emotion and outstanding acting combine to create one of the most acclaimed foreign films of all time.

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94 recenzií
Používateľ služieb Google
16. júla 2012
I'm unsure why Google Play only has two of Kurosawa's worst films on here. Yes, Ran has received much critical acclaim, but if even if you're a film lover, if you're honest with yourself, this movie has many great parts, but it is also a pretty pointless and drawn out film that goes on forever. Ran, Dreams, and Dodes'ka-den are, in my opinion, Kurosawa's worst films (with Dodes'ka-den easily taking the spot for the worst). Kurosawa is my favorite director and I've seen everything he's ever done. His works have changed my life, and the film industry as a whole. If Google Play wants great film, I'd recommend they add Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, The Bad Sleep Well, High and Low, Red Beard, and many of the countless other masterpieces Kurosawa crafted so meticulously.
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Afj L.
18. januára 2020
I am not sure what's main message of the movie, a personal psychological struggle about his early life as a warlord? Because at least a third of the movie is about this old man struggling with his past. Acting and setting are all pretty good, just too much of the individual mind struggling minutes.
Qb Spy
22. decembra 2017
This movie was my introduction to King Lear. The art of it fingerprints the soul. Recommended highly if you like Japanese history, art, war, and good storytelling. Not dubbed so the emotions are original.
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