
2011. • 107 minuta
2,99 tis. recenzije
PG (uz roditeljski nadzor)
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O ovom filmu

A chameleon that aspires to be a swashbuckling hero finds himself in a Western town plagued by bandits and is forced to literally play the role in order to protect it.
PG (uz roditeljski nadzor)

Ocjene i recenzije

2,99 tis. recenzije
Tony Watts
11. travnja 2017.
I love animated films that have something to offer for all age ranges, but this one I found to be off-putting, both in animation and content. Making it through the film felt like pulling teeth. Would not recommend.
Googleov korisnik
25. studenoga 2018.
Wow! This is one of the most boring movies I have ever seen. I mean seriously, when I saw this movie in theaters, I fell asleep 20 minutes into the movie. Besides that, most of the scenes and facial expressions are just plain creepy.
alfredo torres
22. studenoga 2018.
Amazing animation and music. Well written script and great action. Really funny with awesome voice acting. But to drawn out and deep for a kids film (mostly for 9-12 year olds)