Google foydalanuvchisi
- Nomaqbul deb belgilash
- Sharh tarixini ochish
Fantastic trailer. Abysmal, shallow, brain tumor-inducingly uninspiring and
boring movie. All the best scenes are already used within the first 10
minutes of the movie. Lame characters without development, and 99% of the
visuals are CG. Not available in original lanuage: English.
70 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
It burns when i pvp
- Nomaqbul deb belgilash
- Sharh tarixini ochish
Boring and stupid (antagonist). Next time please slow down the action to 30fps .. 60fps is too fast. Overall just dumb ... nothing revolutionary except for Spielberg's sublime message "..we are producing mongos, playing with their phones 24/7"
31 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
Malen M
- Nomaqbul deb belgilash
- Sharh tarixini ochish
Bastante lenta, argumentalmente aburrida, no sigue la trama con fluidez, no la compraré con el libro.. Si juzgo solo la peli es un peñazo descafeinado y sin espíritu 80's
3 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan