
2019年 • 97分
388 件のレビュー


大富豪の一族 VS 新婚の花嫁――命がけの"かくれんぼ"に挑む、衝撃のリベンジ・アクション!大富豪一族に嫁ぐことになり、幸せの絶頂にいたグレース。だが、結婚式の日の夜、彼女はファミリーとして認めてもらうための伝統儀式に参加することになる――それは、一族総出で行われる"かくれんぼ"だった。夜明けまで逃げ続けるように告げられ戸惑う彼女だったが、まもなくゲームがスタート。やがて、彼女は全員が武器を手に自分の命を狙っていることを知るのだった...。一体何が起こっているのか!?絶体絶命の状況の中、恐怖に怯えながらも戦うことを決意し立ち上がるグレース。果たして、彼女の運命は?そして一族に隠された恐ろしい秘密とは!?購入版は撮影の裏側に迫るメイキング映像を収録。


388 件のレビュー
Alexander Estrada
This is NOT a feminist propoganda film, and I'm am saying this as someone who gets Annoyed when films are ruined to be more feminist (like the recent Charlie's angels film). This is not that however. This girl doesn't know how to fight at the beginning of the movie at all. She is no Erin from You're Next. She is just a normal girl. And the movie ends up feeling more like an escape the evil people movie instead of a girl slaughtering everyone in the film movie. She gets her butt whooped a lot.
Shawn Simpson
I think many people try to pluck out all the little things that politics and the social media views on trying to make women seem tougher than they are. Nature shows that woman are already strong enough to over come any obstacle or die trying. This movie was a fun thriller that just showed us that anything is possible when we are presented with a dire situation. It was based on my personal opinion to be a ride of sorts that was to be graphic or suspenseful as a thriller should be, and an added touch of gore. I would recommend this movie to anyone that loves a tad of gore, a grim sense of humor and the ability to want to enjoy a pleasant ride with an open mind.
196 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Baby Fett
This was even more fun and campy than I expected it to be. It didn't take itself too seriously, and had me laughing, in a good way, by the end. The setting was that classic, big, old money mansion. The plot wasn't unexpected, but that's because they pretty much state it up front. The acting was fun, the kills enjoyable, and the end was just...well it was just perfect for what the movie was. I really enjoyed this, it was totally worth the price of the movie ticket.
38 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました