Red Planet (2000)

2000. • 106 minuta
33 recenzije
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Ni audio ni titlovi nisu dostupni na vašem jeziku. Titlovi su dostupni za bugarski, danski, engleski, estonski, finski, francuski, indonezijski, italijanski, kantonski, kineski (pojednostavljeno), kineski (tradicionalno), latvijski, litvanski, malajski, mađarski, nizozemski (Nizozemska), njemački, norveški, poljski, portugalski, portugalski (Brazil), ruski, slovenski, češki, španski, španski (Latinska Amerika) i švedski.

O ovom filmu

With Earth dying, humanity's only hope lies in the colonization of Mars. But when a crew of six heroic astronauts embarks on the most important space mission of the 21st century, they make the shocking discovery that the red planet may be barren, but it's not deserted in this taut science fiction thriller.

Ocjene i recenzije

33 recenzije
Elwyn Roberts
8. august 2019.
Amazingly entertaining sci-fi movie and the best movie by far from the early noughties Mars movies. Val Kilmer is perfectly cast and his star power and charisma powers the movie forward through some thrilling set pieces. A perfect late Saturday night thriller that doesn't disappoint.
Rey Janjua
13. novembar 2016.
Red Planet, as far a space movies go this is just okay. Rent it if you like.
john mcmanus
18. juni 2017.
the greatest minds are going to mars and one of them is saying science cant answer the important questions? AND REFUND