Red Sparrow

2018 • 140 минут
114 пікір
Браузерден немесе қолдайтын құрылғылардан көріңіз Толығырақ
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Осы фильм туралы ақпарат

In this spy thriller, Jennifer Lawrence is Dominika, a former ballerina forced to enter Sparrow School, a government program that thrusts her into a treacherous espionage game. She emerges as a lethal agent, but is trapped in a world she desperately wants to escape.

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114 пікір
Martyn Adams
2018 ж. 22 шілде
Very few intelligent films around these days. But this is one. I didn't find anything badly wrong with it (apart from one or two plot holes that could be forgiven / explained). People criticise it for not being 'sexy' enough, but frankly it's the story that counts and I enjoyed it all. The acting was good. I really hope there's a sequel.
Just LV
2018 ж. 25 тамыз
I thought the plot was crafted to take you on a journey and see things from her point of view. The twist at the end was nice and I knew there had to be a twist but I didn't suspect that particular out come which is refreshing.
Dawn Thompson
2019 ж. 12 қаңтар
Yet another weird, incredibly boring trying to be clever load of rubbish. The art of a good watchable film these days is sparse.