Reign Of Fire

2002. • 97 perc
49 vélemény
Böngészőben vagy támogatott eszközökön nézheted meg További információ
Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre hangsáv: angol.

A filmről

Matthew McConaughey and Christian Bale star in an explosive action-packed adventure with bone-charring special effects that will have you glued to your seat! When a London tunneling project uncovers an unearthly fire-breathing beast from centuries of slumber, all hell breaks loose. Twelve-year-old Quinn (Bale) sees his mother, one of the workers, die trying to escape this new terror. Twenty years later as a "fire chief," he tries to keep a group of refugees alive with fierce dragons dominating the air, burning the land, and feeding on the ash. Unexpectedly, Van Zan (McConaughey), a hotshot American militia leader, shows up with a ragtag group of slayers on a perilous crusade to hunt down and destroy the beasts. Tempers flare when there is a struggle for leadership -- until both men realise only one species is getting out of this alive. © 2002 Touchstone Pictures

Értékelések és vélemények

49 vélemény
James Hubbard
2021. június 7.
I'm reviewing the film witch is properly one of the best ever dragon movies of all time fantastic classic however it's like 50p on DVD and nearly 10 pound here lol
Ryan Brophy
2016. november 6.
Top top tip tip tip go
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