Brandi Winney
FINALLY some good scary movies are coming out! As a real horror/thriller/paranormal movie lover ( and I've seen them all ) this movies did not get the credit it deserves in the comments. Its was suspenseful, thrilling, creepy and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Its right there with Hereditary and The Witch🖤
15 people found this review helpful
Marc Landy
Story & Script suffered from what I call, S.P.N.D. (Story Potential Not Developed) In the hands of a better writer, it could have been a good and memorable story. As it is, it is non-nonsensical, not thrilling and slow. Production is fine as is the cinematography and the acting is decent enough. The film just doesn't go anywhere -- and what's it about anyway? I'm normally a fan of Australian and New Zealand films but this one ain't it. Save your money and your time. I'd give this one a D+
11 people found this review helpful
Troy Snell
Slow burn "horror" click-bait. I honestly don't know if I've ever watched a trailer and been deceived by literally everything. The premise, according to the writer, isn't even a horror script! However, it was marketed as such. Don't expect to understand the movie at all because it was intentionally cryptic. The movie wasn't TERRIBLE per se, but it was bland, boring, too "subtle" and not worth the rental fee. If you love horror, skip this one and shop for anything else. You've been warned!
110 people found this review helpful