
2017 • 111 minute
13 recenzii
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Despre acest film

The film explores the unexplained death of Gordon Dunn (Martin Donovan), a visionary scientific pioneer whose body is found shortly after the unveiling of his newest work: a device able to extract, record and play a person's memories. Gordon's wife, Carolyn (Julia Ormond), retreats into her house and cuts off contact with the outside world when a mysterious man (Peter Dinklage) shows up. After stealing the machine, he uses it to try and solve the mystery, beginning an investigation of memories that lead him to unexpected and dangerous places.

Evaluări și recenzii

13 recenzii
Viter Nguyen
13 august 2022
I hate the fact I can't ever remove this awful movie from my library. You figure Google customer service can help with it but NO, even after all these years I'm still stuck with it. Stupid...
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26 octombrie 2022
I hate this movie. I hate that Google has forced it into my library and hasn't figured out a way (or doesn't care to) to remove it. A pox upon Google and everyone who was involved with the decision to force it upon the world.
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James Hood
16 noiembrie 2022
I guess im the weird one, i kinda liked it. Reminded me of some of the elements of the movie Strange Days, but idk, just a bit more rooted in reality (which is ironic given the premise but still).
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