Resident Evil: Vendetta

2017 • 97 minutit
490 arvustust
Vaadake veebibrauseris või toetatud seadmetes. Lisateave
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Teave selle filmi kohta

Animated sequel to Resident Evil: Damnation.

Hinnangud ja arvustused

490 arvustust
Mehdi Manavipour
5. august 2017
In one scene, an infected boy crawls out of a corner of a dark room. Bloodied, unresponsive, and probably smelling of death, he inches close enough to the 3 special ops forces in the room and kills them all. Instead of killing the kid right away, the instinct of the highly-trained soldier who was probably briefed to expect the undead in the building, decides to ask the kid if he's okay and gets jumped and killed instantly. Nonesense.
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Joven C
9. september 2017
Pros: Leon, Rebecca, The first 13 minutes, The animation. Cons: The plot, Chris' head/face, The other 84 minutes. Summary: While I didn't hate this movie, it wasn't what I was expecting. I was expecting something in the same vein as Damnation and Degeneration, but what I got was RE6 dialed to 11. The action scenes were waaaay too over the top (seriously, Leon on the motorcycle almost made me stop watching), the plot was weak and the villain was laughable (I literally laughed for about 15 minutes at the wedding scene). If you're looking for just another mindless action movie then this is for you. If you want something better, look elsewhere.
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Austin Mathews
30. juuli 2017
Cons: Terrible plot, the choreography came off as illogical for most of the stunts even for a RE flick, cheesy/hokey dialogue throughout, main villain's scheme and theme are a complete mess and don't make sense, and Rebecca's back but only to be a princess stuck in a castle (so much for STARS training).[Spoilery]-------------backstories for Leon/Chris here are just their stories swapped around of what they went through in RE6 video game. Pros: Animations look great, The hallway battle was the only action scene I found to be done well. Voice acting for cast was good. Summary: I'd suggest any of the other animated RE movies, this one felt like a mess that just looked pretty imo.
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