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Return Of The Moonwalker

2013 • 89 минути
114 рецензии
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News flash: Michael Jackson's rotting hand has been stolen from his crypt in LA! The culprits: two love-struck leather dwarves, acting on the orders of Dr. Cagliostro, a time-traveling sorcerer masquerading as the owner of a "punk circus" in Berlin. The mysterious mage's devious plan: To resurrect Michael Jackson so as to arouse the masses and start a global revolution!

Оцени и рецензии

114 рецензии
Samuel Medina
18 јануари 2021
Lo peor que he visto en mi vida ridícula , malas actuaciones, tonta ect . Le ruego a quién sea que esté leyendo esto que no la vea , porfavor aganme caso buenas noches
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Shenane Ng
27 март 2021
I love michael but this, this is too much what are u giuys trying to do ruin his reputation!This is too much! That not michael Why are u guys trying to make someone who is trying to make the world a better place look like that really! I can't with that
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Thobile Mtshali
1 септември 2021
Horrible, you could find a different way to represent Michael, this is just plain offensive. Disgusting. I hope this "movie" gets taken down
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