Rise of the Planet of the Apes

2011 • 104 minutes
8,83K avis
Interdit aux moins de 13 ans
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À propos de ce film

Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a revolution; an action-packed epic featuring stunning visual effects and creatures unlike anything ever seen before. At the story's heart is Caesar (Andy Serkis), a chimpanzee who gains human-like intelligence and emotions from an experimental drug. Raised like a child by the drug's creator (James Franco), Caesar ultimately finds himself taken from the humans he loves and imprisoned. Seeking justice, Caesar assembles a simian army and escapes -- putting man and primate on a collision course that could change the planet forever.
Interdit aux moins de 13 ans

Notes et avis

8,83K avis
David Lessnau (David A. Lessnau)
3 sánzá ya nsambo 2016
If you want to watch a "scientist" do one retarded thing after another until he's done enough stupid things to get the plot where the writers want it, have at it. But, if you happen to think that scientists in these fields aren't all 100% idiots, then don't bother. I'll pop it up a star for the special effects. But, still, a Pretty Bad 2 stars out of 5.
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Mike Williamson
17 sánzá ya mwambe 2014
The special effects are amazing, so believable you tend to forget about them. As sci-fi, the plot is believable, insofar as if you buy into the magic drug, the rest follows logically. But yet there was no one I was rooting for, there was a dad with Alzheimer's that just sort of dropped out of the picture, and no sense of theme or moral. The main character, the scientist, was someone you were supposed to sympathize with, but yet he caused so much chaos and showed no remorse. I guess because of the original planet of the apes, I was hoping for themes and morals. But it was just another action blockbuster. Oh well...
7 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile
DoodleBanger 21
13 sánzá ya mínei 2017
I paid for the movie for 2.99 and when I hit play it goes to three seconds then tells me I have to pay for it. That is BullCrap I just went through all that to buy it for 2.99 just so that way I get to see it for 3 seconds then pay for it again, that is stupid.....