Rise of the Planet of the Apes + Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Double Feature

221 avis
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À propos de ce film

Two species – man and ape – face off against one another in these two thrilling, action-packed adventures. In Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, genetically enhanced apes seek their independence from careless humans, and in Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes, a small group of human survivors of a deadly virus find themselves at the brink of war with the apes for dominance over Earth.
Interdit aux moins de 13 ans

Notes et avis

221 avis
Corey Eats Detroit (Review Guy)
4 sánzá ya motóbá 2016
I like how this this is still sci-fi it is a little bit more on the plausible side. I like how the apes though intelligent are still apes. I love the great CG work and the excellent motion capture acting. This series has so far been very entertaining and well done.
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4 sánzá ya libwa 2017
Love the movies but who ever runs your marketing department needs to start coming up with better prices and your company would make 2to3 times as much more just by the volume sales. Thanks Google but please start offering better prices.
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Kai Williams
24 sánzá ya libwa 2016
Great remake. Great action. Well done. Can't wait to see the next in the series
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