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Roald Dahl's The Witches(The Witches)

2020 • 104 minutter
118 anmeldelser

Om denne film

Genoplev Roald Dahls elskede historie, der er blevet genfortolket til et moderne publikum. Robert Zemeckis' visuelt innovative THE WITCHES fortæller den humoristiske og varme fortælling om den forældreløse dreng (Bruno), der i slutningen af 1967 flytter ind hos sin kærlige bedstemor (Spencer) i den lille landsby Demopolis i Alabama. Drengen og bedstemoren møder en flok glamourøse hekse, der viser sig at være direkte djævelske, hvilket får bedstemoren til at flygte til et feriested ved vandet med vores unge helt. Desværre ankommer de samtidig med den øverste hekseleder (Hathaway), der har samlet alle verdens hekse til at hjælpe hende med at udføre en skummel plan.

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118 anmeldelser
Richard Ellis
17. november 2020
Nothing to do with the cost.... I'm sorry to say this was terrible. "Intro" before they get to the hotel too long, depressing and boring. In my opinion it's not suitable for little children. I think AH is a great actress but she's really bad in this, the accent ruins all dialog. The story is then rushed at the end. Sorry but it's just not worth watching, don't waist your money.
16 personer fandt denne anmeldelse nyttig
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Marc McHale
26. oktober 2020
With regards to those critiscising the price, how much does it cost to go to the cinema? Yes, it's an experience etc, but it would cost your more for 2 tickets.. Plus overpriced confectionary etc.. Family of 4 is closer to £40. Whether it's a decent film or not, you a paying for a 48hr unlimited screening. Without cinema then studos have to recoup costs somehow. If you want all your movies at cheap rentals, then you can say goodbye to big budget movies.
129 personer fandt denne anmeldelse nyttig
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Tom Mann
2. januar 2021
A fresh, yet faithful, adaptation of Roald Dahl's classic; The Witches 2020 succeeds in casting a charming spell over its audience. This is a story about the struggle of an orphaned boy and his grandma against a secret and dark world order controlled by witches. A much loved 1983 novel of the same name and a 1990 film, Robert Zemeckis, director, had a lot to live up to. But the Back To The Future director pulls it off in style with outstanding performances and special effects to match
22 personer fandt denne anmeldelse nyttig
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