Rocky III

1982 тАв 99 рморм┐рмирм┐рмЯрнНтАМ
689рмЯрм┐ рм╕рморнАрмХрнНрм╖рм╛
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рмПрм╣рм┐ рморнБрмнрм┐ рм╕рморнНрммрмирнНрмзрм░рнЗ

Boxer Rocky Balboa enjoys the wealth he has as world-champion. He only fights against easy opponents. Then he is challenged by the arrogant Clubber Lang. Rocky accepts the challenge to proove once more that there is only one world-champion. But Lang wins and becomes the new champion. Nobody believes in Rocky anymore, except one man: former world-champion Appolo Creed. And Creed tries to the stimulate his fighting spirit and get Rocky back in top-form.

рморнВрм▓рнНрнЯрм╛рмЩрнНрмХрми рмУ рм╕рморнАрмХрнНрм╖рм╛

689рмЯрм┐ рм╕рморнАрмХрнНрм╖рм╛
Zach Thomas
рмирмнрнЗрморнНрммрм░ 7, 2018
Rocky III this movie is amazing it starts out very strongly a montagne of rocky's victorys then a montagne of clubber's victorys then rocky fights Hulk Hogan and then clubber lang it's so awesome much better than the first 2
рмПрм╣рм╛ рмЖрмкрмгрмЩрнНрмХрнБ рмЙрмкрмпрнЛрмЧрнА рммрнЛрм▓рм┐ рмормирнЗ рм╣рнЗрм▓рм╛ рмХрм┐?
D Aquilio
рмЬрм╛рмирнБрмЖрм░рнА 25, 2016
I really like the beginning of this movie with the fireworks and how rocky won ten consecutive fights. Although there one thing that I didn't like is the thunder lip and rocky csarity fight that was pretty dumb. There are two things that I like about this movie 1. when rocky was training in the gym and 2. when rocky beat clubber lang by Ko
рмПрм╣рм╛ рмЖрмкрмгрмЩрнНрмХрнБ рмЙрмкрмпрнЛрмЧрнА рммрнЛрм▓рм┐ рмормирнЗ рм╣рнЗрм▓рм╛ рмХрм┐?
рмЬрм╛рмирнБрмЖрм░рнА 10, 2016
Yeah never liked the film compared to the other rockys, but I still love watching it and it's just a classic. Even when it does get a bit stupid, still a really fun movie and also and Rocky and creeds friendship in the movie is truly amazing.
рмПрм╣рм╛ рмЖрмкрмгрмЩрнНрмХрнБ рмЙрмкрмпрнЛрмЧрнА рммрнЛрм▓рм┐ рмормирнЗ рм╣рнЗрм▓рм╛ рмХрм┐?

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