
2019 • 88 de minute
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Despre acest film

A kinky sex proposition devolves into a chain of murder, sex, revenge. And more murder.

Evaluări și recenzii

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Jeffrey Roberie
6 aprilie 2021
From the get-go, this one was one-hundred-percent my jam. I loved how I mostly didn’t know where the narrative was going and it just kept throwing curveballs at me but it never felt like it was ‘cheating.’ I also feel the need to give it huge credit for going dark but somehow never getting ‘too’ dark despite some of the subject matter on display. Not an easy balance to get. The movie also has a rarity of indie features: Reggie De Morton’s performance is an absolutely great nuanced performance. He conveys an awful human being but one who is also kinda relatable with his day-to-day woes. Honestly, kinda like The Cook in THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE.
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