Run All Night

2015年 • 114分
2130 件のレビュー
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Brooklyn mobster and prolific hit man Jimmy Conlon (Liam Neeson),once known as The Gravedigger,has seen better days. Longtime best friend of mob boss Shawn Maguire (Ed Harris),Jimmy,now 55,is haunted by the sins of his past—as well as a dogged police detective who’s been one step behind Jimmy for 30 years. Lately,it seems Jimmy’s only solace can be found at the bottom of a whiskey glass. But when Jimmy’s estranged son,Mike (Joel Kinnaman),becomes a target,Jimmy must make a choice between the crime family he chose and the real family he abandoned long ago. With Mike on the run,Jimmy’s only penance for his past mistakes may be to keep his son from the same fate Jimmy is certain he’ll face himself…at the wrong end of a gun. Now,with nowhere safe to turn,Jimmy just has one night to figure out exactly where his loyalties lie and to see if he can finally make things right.


2130 件のレビュー
Matt Hunter
This is the examples how love the father for his Son. Its about loving and sacrifice event his Son very hate him. Must see this movies. This movies remind Me with Hongkong 80's Action movies The Gangland Boss (A Better Tommorow) who played by Aman Chou Yun Fat & Tommy Ti Lung With Leslie Chang Kwok Yung.
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Rebecca Schade
This movie is an overly simple action flick with a very thin script. The poor writing means that the actors appear to be underperforming as well. Not even worth it if you're bored and just want some simple entertainment, because it is really not that entertaining.
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Maria Gena Poledo-Shepherd
Liam Neeson is brilliant actor. From Taken 1 n 2 to Non - stop then this is another beautiful story between a father and son.
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