Saban's Power Rangers

2017 • 123 Minuten
420 Rezensionen
PG-13 (freigegeben ab 13 Jahren)
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Über diesen Film

SABAN'S POWER RANGERS follows five ordinary teens who must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove - and the world - is on the verge of being obliterated by an alien threat. Chosen by destiny, our heroes quickly discover they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so, they will have to overcome their real-life issues and before it's too late, band together as the Power Rangers.
PG-13 (freigegeben ab 13 Jahren)

Bewertungen und Rezensionen

420 Rezensionen
15. August 2017
An absolute mess - you could spend hours writing out everything wrong with this film. Terrible story line, only one of the rangers is even slightly likeable and if you want to see some examples of completely dire acting then this is definitely the film for you. It also has pretty much every stereotype possible jammed in one way or another. I didn't think I'd ever see a more poorly acted villain than Cara Delevingne in Suicide Squad but Elizabeth Banks has gone all out to surpass her. I was hugely into Power Rangers when I was younger and I was looking forward to this reboot, but it seems to take itself a bit too seriously, the original was kind of cheesy and tongue in cheek. This is trying to be a Marvel-esque movie and it doesn't really work. Save your time and money and wait for it to be on TV.
23 Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich
Ein Google-Nutzer
11. August 2017
Just done watching this movie.😍 It was amazing. 👌 took around 21min 40sec to find there badges, 41min 24sec to meet zordon & alpha, 56min 25sec to see a putty monster, 1hour 29min 52seconds approximately for them to morph, Had a transformers reference also for bumblebee around 1hour 36min 40seconds, Then they kicked ultimate ass with theyre megazord 1hour 46min 8seconds. What an awesome movie which totally stood up to expectations 👍
Ethan Chamberlain
19. Januar 2018
Was a great film - loved the suit re-design. My favourite scene was the campfire scene, definitely touched my heart. I also really liked the breakfast club vibe it gives off near the begining when Jason first meets Billy, but it's a shame they all never morphed until near the end of the film... other than that I can't wait to see whether a sequel gets made.