Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary, is a 2014 Japanese CG animated fantasy martial arts action film produced by Toei Animation, directed by Keiichi Sato and written by Tomohiro Suzuki. It is based on the manga Saint Seiya by Masami Kurumada. It is the sixth film based on the series. Legend of Sanctuary was released in Japan on June 21, 2014, after premiering at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival on June 11, 2014. It stars the voice talents of Kaito Ishikawa, Ayaka Sasaki, Kenshō Ono, Kenji Akabane, Nobuhiko Okamoto, and Kenji Nojima in the leading roles, and the executive producer is Masami Kurumada. The plot focuses on five young warriors known as Saints who take on the mission of protecting Saori Kido, the reincarnation of the goddess Athena from enemies in the Sanctuary.
The film was first revealed in February 2012 by Toei Animation, and the first teaser was released on January 1, 2014. The team in charge of making the film had discussions with Kurumada to execute major changes in the characters that would be well received by modern audiences. The music of the film was composed by Yoshihiro Ike and features the theme song "Hero" by Yoshiki.