Sanam Teri Kasam

2016 • 153 minút
4,84 tis. recenzií
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Tento film

Frustrated of being rejected for her looks, Saru decides to get a makeover. She reaches out to her neighbour Inder for help, who agrees and eventually falls in love with her. The plot then unfurls around their beautiful journey of love, friendship and romance as the two set out to find their perfect happy ending. But, will they? For fate has something else in store for them!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

4,84 tis. recenzií
Saiee Ingale
18. septembra 2020
The best movie ever it can make you cry and fall in love at the same time it's been 4 yrs the movie released yet the craze hasn't gone yet. I fell for harshvardhan sir after this he is so versatile and perfect with his acting he is a great soul off screen and even on screen. Mawra mam she's just fab , she is a ready made saru A must watch film"Sanam teri kasam"
156 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
17. apríla 2021
Speechless and I can't express it in words to you. I broke in tears in every moment and was cheered with the scenes,the time I watched.I enjoyed,I got emotional & loved the work of Harsh & Mawra. The story was fantastic so were the actors & whenever I watch this movie it reminds me someone whom I lost but still love ❤ and I feel so touched. Whatever ,however I'll explain or say something it wouldn't be enough.
66 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
Jesse Thompson (Tecmag Diams)
12. apríla 2019
Honestly one of my favorite movies, and so thankful it had subtitles or I would have never known! I got this movie because it kept being advertised as under $5 and I was down for a good cheap Bollywood film. I didn't expect a movie that would absolutely steal my heart and leave me and my best friend so attached to it! I hope that one day I can learn more of the cultural importance and meanings behind much of the movie that I simply lack at this time. Even still, if you are able to put yourself in a place of understanding another culture, the story here is so enthralling!
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