- "Орынсыз" деп белгілеу
- Пікір тарихын көрсету
Most enjoyable film I've seen, the story is a simple but fun story! Jack Black is brilliant his most memorable role by far and I don't have much to say apart from this film is brilliant and if you haven't seen it you don't know what your missing out on!
Google пайдаланушысы
A perfectly rounded movie, you have to love Jack Black for this role. The kind of movie you can watch with the family, or in recovery mode nursing a hangover with friends whilst all also kind of sleeping.
Бұл пікір 22 адамға пайдалы болды.
Shane Canning
- "Орынсыз" деп белгілеу
- Пікір тарихын көрсету
Still dont understand why anyone thinks jack black can act are is remotely funny yawn
Бұл пікір 11 адамға пайдалы болды.