Mr. Jones

2020年 • 118分
23 件のレビュー


1933. Gareth Jones (James Norton) is an ambitious young journalist who gained fame after his report on being the first foreign journalist to fly with Hitler. Now, intrigued by the Soviet "utopia", Jones travels to Moscow, where he meets Ada Brooks (Vanessa Kirby), a British journalist, who reveals that the truth behind the regime is being violently repressed. Hearing murmurs of government-induced famine, kept secret by the Soviet censors, Jones travels clandestinely to Ukraine, where he witnesses the atrocities of man-made starvation – millions left to starve. Deported back to London, Jones publishes an article revealing his findings, quickly denied by Western journalists in Moscow under the Kremlin's pressure, including Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Walter Duranty (Peter Sarsgaard). As death threats mount, Jones has to fight for the truth. Meeting a young George Orwell, he shares his findings... helping inspire the seminal novel Animal Farm.


23 件のレビュー
Carrey Perea
This movie stayed with me for days as i am an american living in ukraine and trying to learn the history of this beautiful place. After watching i googled this event to see if this story is accurate, and sadly it is. The academics spend their time arguing how many were killed and died from starvation but if it was 3 million or 20 million, it was a holocaust that is rarely taught or spoken of in the US, but i am teaching my ukrainian granddaughter about it!
Michelle Welch
This movie was absolutely horrible. I don't know how people can get gratification off of so much pain. I myself should have never watched this film. It may have been sexual but I can hear it was horrible.
2 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Sierra Rhoads
This movie truly stayes with you. It is raw and forthcoming as is Mr.Jones. A true depiction of a time seemed to have been ignored by the masses , and this movie makes you ask why? Holodomor is an event not many people know about. 6 million people lost their lives in Ukraine. Mr. Jones is a pulsating remembrance to those whom families were stripped of everything in the 1930s man made genocidal famine.

