Seeing Double

2003 • 91 minút
12 recenzií
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Tento film

With their TV series broadcast in over 100 countries around the globe and many millions of albums, videos, books and magazines enjoyed by their fans, S Club embark on their first feature film, Seeing Double. As their world tour draws to a close in Spain, chart-topping band S Club, after complaining to their manager that they need a vacation, are appalled to discover an impostor S Club performing live on TV from Los Angeles. Confused, the band members fly out to L.A., where they encounter a sinister world of cloning and communal showers, and no one is quite who they seem. This is S Club as they've never been seen before, in a comedy of mistaken identities, music and missing belly-buttons! 2003 Double Vision Film Ltd. and Media Produccion, S.L. All Rights Reserved.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

12 recenzií
Kayla Edwards
12. februára 2016
if you enjoyed S Club 7's tv shows, you'll love this movie. A lot like the Spice Girls' movie Spice World
tina wilcher
6. mája 2016
I love there song
Xxcandymen15xX Anthony
11. februára 2018
I love it