
2015 тАв 116 рморм┐рмирм┐рмЯрнНтАМ
3.33рм╣рмЯрм┐ рм╕рморнАрмХрнНрм╖рм╛
рн▒рнЗрммрнН рммрнНрм░рм╛рмЙрмЬрм░рнН рмХрм┐рморнНрммрм╛ рм╕рморм░рнНрмерм┐рмд рмбрм┐рмнрм╛рмЗрм╕рмЧрнБрмбрм╝рм┐рмХрм░рнЗ рмжрнЗрмЦрмирнНрмдрнБ┬армЕрмзрм┐рмХ рмЬрм╛рмгрмирнНрмдрнБ
рмирм╛ рмЕрмбрм┐рмУ рмирм╛ рм╕рммрнНтАМрмЯрм╛рмЗрмЯрм▓рнНтАМрмЧрнБрмбрм╝рм┐рмХ рмЖрмкрмгрмЩрнНрмХ рмнрм╛рм╖рм╛рм░рнЗ рмЙрмкрм▓рммрнНрмз рмЕрмЫрм┐ред рм╕рммрнНтАМрмЯрм╛рмЗрмЯрм▓рнНтАМрмЧрнБрмбрм╝рм┐рмХ рмЗрмВрм░рм╛рмЬрнАрм░рнЗ рмЙрмкрм▓рммрнНрмзред

рмПрм╣рм┐ рморнБрмнрм┐ рм╕рморнНрммрмирнНрмзрм░рнЗ

In this provocative psychological science fiction thriller, an extremely wealthy man (Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley) undergoes a radical medical procedure that transfers his consciousness into the body of a healthy young man (Ryan Reynolds). But all is not as it seems when he starts to uncover the mystery of the body's origin and the organization that will kill to protect its cause. (Original Title - Self/less) - 2015 Focus Features. All Rights Reserved.

рморнВрм▓рнНрнЯрм╛рмЩрнНрмХрми рмУ рм╕рморнАрмХрнНрм╖рм╛

3.33рм╣рмЯрм┐ рм╕рморнАрмХрнНрм╖рм╛
Harry Dathore
рмЕрмЧрм╖рнНрмЯ 2, 2022
Lo ├║nico que lamento es que no pude ver esto en los cines, pero tener una copia ahora me da alegr├нa. En general, es una pel├нcula fant├бstica, tiene una buena combinaci├│n de emociones que atraen el alma que llevamos dentro y deja al espectador pregunt├бndose por decir lo menos... Luego tiene un toque agradable de acci├│n y ciencia ficci├│n. Yo dir├нa comprarlo. Sin embargo, si no lo compras, m├нralo, al menos la pel├нcula es incre├нble. -Espero que esto ayude a alguien
рмПрм╣рм╛ рмЖрмкрмгрмЩрнНрмХрнБ рмЙрмкрмпрнЛрмЧрнА рммрнЛрм▓рм┐ рмормирнЗ рм╣рнЗрм▓рм╛ рмХрм┐?
Rebecca Sjotvedt
рмЬрм╛рмирнБрмЖрм░рнА 23, 2016
It was good acting but the plot was about as original as a tube of toothpaste, it was predictable, cliche, and the same as countless others. You knew what was going to happen and how it would end within the first 5-10min. Don't waste your time...unless you just watch the movie to see the hot guys. Then go right on ahead
рмПрм╣рм╛ рмЖрмкрмгрмЩрнНрмХрнБ рмЙрмкрмпрнЛрмЧрнА рммрнЛрм▓рм┐ рмормирнЗ рм╣рнЗрм▓рм╛ рмХрм┐?
Peyton Reed
рмлрнЗрммрнГрмЖрм░рнА 6, 2016
I personally like the direction in which the storyline begins and seems to have a follow through of an innovative secondary and or ending, per-say. Needless to say, to see the title itself is quite a shock and awe only to see the struggle between the elder and youth with the love quarrel spiked with the aloof yet distinct backhand of tradition; young man wants it all sees it all and takes it all to be punished by it all collapsing on his head and front doorstep by his pretecessor and subconscious. Genius.
13 рмЬрмг рм▓рнЛрмХрмЩрнНрмХрнБ рмПрм╣рм┐ рм╕рморнАрмХрнНрм╖рм╛ рмЙрмкрмпрнЛрмЧрнА рмормирнЗ рм╣рнЛрмЗрмЫрм┐
рмПрм╣рм╛ рмЖрмкрмгрмЩрнНрмХрнБ рмЙрмкрмпрнЛрмЧрнА рммрнЛрм▓рм┐ рмормирнЗ рм╣рнЗрм▓рм╛ рмХрм┐?

рмПрм╣рм┐ рморнБрмнрм┐рмХрнБ рморнВрм▓рнНрнЯрм╛рмЩрнНрмХрми рмХрм░рмирнНрмдрнБ

рмЖрмкрмг рмХрмг рмнрм╛рммрнБрмЫрмирнНрмдрм┐ рмдрм╛рм╣рм╛ рмЖрмормХрнБ рмЬрмгрм╛рмирнНрмдрнБред