Sesame Street: Bye-Bye, Pacifier! Big Kid Stories with Elmo

2011 • 51 mínúta
21 umsögn
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Um þessa kvikmynd

Becoming a big kid can be hard sometimes. For a young child, it can be tough to give up a binky, learn to ride a tricycle, share with siblings and be a good sport. With the story where Elmo remembers giving up his binky as the centerpiece, this release features stories that pre-schoolers can relate to, as well as giving useful suggestions to parents at the same time. In the same way that "Elmo's Potty Time" was relevant for our audience, we hope that this title will help kids feel "they can do it" too, just like their good friend Elmo.

Einkunnir og umsagnir

21 umsögn
Alex Mendez
25. júní 2016
My sister is having nightmares be cause of Elmo
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Kata Medina
18. janúar 2016
My bby sister got rid of her binky.👍👍👍👍
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Pattie Word
24. október 2017
Elmo is a great role model for kids.
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