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Seventh Son

2015年 • 102分
5340 件のレビュー


In a time of enchantments when legends and magic collide, the sole remaining warrior of a mystical order (Oscar-winner Jeff Bridges) travels to find a prophesized hero born with incredible powers, the last Seventh Son (Ben Barnes of The Chronicles of Narnia). Torn from his quiet life as a farmhand, the unlikely young hero embarks on a daring adventure with his battle-hardened mentor to vanquish a dark queen (Oscar- winner Julianne Moore) and the army of supernatural assassins she has dispatched against their kingdom. (Original Title - Seventh Son) - 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.


5340 件のレビュー
David W
It's probably me, I just feel the story line has been done to death lately. this particular one was ok. it was better than The Hobbit movies in my opinion. but not quite Game of Thrones good. at least I didn't want to throw my tv off the roof after watching this movie. the same can't be said for Game of Thrones. It entertained me from start to finish but if you were to ask me about the movie, now that I have watched it, I couldn't recall any one specific thing that truly stood out.
Doug Wiggin
This movie would have been better off if it had not ruined a magnificent series of books and created its own plot without using character names from "The Last Apprentice" which was utterly pointless. They deviated so far from the book that there is no recovery for the book to be reproduced in media form, in any way. Whoever had the final say in this written plot and story line aught to re-think their life choices in editing. One wonders if this story came from the same morons that butchered the "Eragon" movie. I feel bad for the writers who had to put their names on this. Also to cover their butts they put on the film cover "a movie based off the story of..."
Tad D. Kern
It's not bad, but it's not good. You can't really understand Jeff Bridges through out the movie. He sounds like he's doing a crappy Sean Connery impression the entire time. There a "twist" towards the middle that comes out of no where and would make M. Night get embarrassed. It's just not a good movie. The only thing I can say that was pretty neat was the dragon lady design.
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