Seventh Son

2015年 • 102 分钟
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In a time of enchantments when legends and magic collide, the sole remaining warrior of a mystical order (Oscar-winner Jeff Bridges) travels to find a prophesized hero born with incredible powers, the last Seventh Son (Ben Barnes of The Chronicles of Narnia). Torn from his quiet life as a farmhand, the unlikely young hero embarks on a daring adventure with his battle-hardened mentor to vanquish a dark queen (Oscar- winner Julianne Moore) and the army of supernatural assassins she has dispatched against their kingdom. (Original Title - Seventh Son) - 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.


Kenneth Wilson
The average rating on this is pretty spot on. the movie itself felt like some bits may have been left on the cutting room floor. If there was a possibility for a directors cut or extended edition of this movie it would be worth it. People keep giving Jeff Bridges grief over the accent he was using but it worked well for his character and he gave a great performance as did Julianne Moore. I personally would have like the actor that first showed up as a the apprentice (Kit Harrington) to Gregory to have been the seventh son. Jason Scott Lee makes an appearance as Urag .. shape changing bear in a rather nice "What is the face of evil" scene. He always does a great job on his fight scenes, too. Despite many reviews saying this is a standard good versus evil movie, it's not. It's more about misconceptions and what makes us good or evil. The characters all make mistakes and have face those consequences later. I give the story a major thumbs up for this. Definitely worth seeing and if you can watch some of the features on the blu-ray. One reviewer said it help him understand the mythology better and enjoy the movie better.
24 人认为该评价有用
Richard Bowen
I like this sort of movie, but you have to be fan of the genre. I believe most American women and most adult males will find this sort of movie to be too fantastic and too silly to appreciate. Then again, it has enough of the visual distractions to keep most men and young men entertained. The story is mostly generic and there's nothing that really stood out, characters are a bit funny and it plays like a comedy at times; that's both good and bad. Visual effects are cheap and poorly produced. As is the case with every movie of 2014 and 2015 so far. This movie doesn't suffer from any noticeable propaganda which places it far above its peers. i.e. I would normally rate a movie like this as a 3 star movie as I just liked it, but due to the overwhelmingly rigid and delusional nature of our current options; It gets a better mark. This movie suffers from the same madness that other movies involving magic suffer from. I places viewers into a fantasy realm where they're allowed to embrace their madness. Not recommended for some viewers at all as such.
18 人认为该评价有用
David W
It's probably me, I just feel the story line has been done to death lately. this particular one was ok. it was better than The Hobbit movies in my opinion. but not quite Game of Thrones good. at least I didn't want to throw my tv off the roof after watching this movie. the same can't be said for Game of Thrones. It entertained me from start to finish but if you were to ask me about the movie, now that I have watched it, I couldn't recall any one specific thing that truly stood out.

