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Shaun of the Dead

2004 • 99 daqiqa
189 ta sharh
M (16+)
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Audio mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

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Get ready for a gut-busting, bone-mashing good time in this hilarious horror comedy about two slackers out to save their friends and families from flesh-eating zombies.
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M (16+)

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189 ta sharh
Rhino D'NerdBuff
16-noyabr, 2018
I like it but the pacing felt slow and some bits feel unessesary but I love Egdar Wright's Brilliant direction in this movie some of the jokes fall flat sometimes but the editing was meh but the characters i adore Simon Pegg's charcter in this movie and Nick frost had a smaller role in this movie which i am disappointed in. I am going to give Shaun Of The Dead a A-
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Ronaldo Rivera
26-dekabr, 2013
Remember seeing this the first time not knowing what to expect (had little expectations actually) but this immediately became one of my favorite Zombie flicks of all time.
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James Tynan
9-oktabr, 2018
It is one of the most funny movies I have ever seen it is not a horror it is pure English humour and some of the jokes you have to be English to understand. But all jokes if they are English or not are brilliant. Nick Frost and Simon Pegg are brilliant. This film is a good laugh and can be rewatched over and over and is still funny.
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