Shooting for Socrates

2016 • 91 minút
1 recenzia
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Tento film

Shooting for Socrates is a David and Goliath story set in Belfast against the backdrop of the 1986 World Cup. In a Northern Ireland divided on religious lines, nine-year-old Tommy learns to make sense of the world through his passion for football and his father's love of Greek philosophy. Meanwhile, the country's football team, a collection of ringers and misfits, are pitted against a modern day Goliath - the Brazilian football team, led by the remarkable politician/philosopher/footballing genius Socrates de Souza who pronounces "victory is secondary, what matters is joy". This joyous comedy is about following your dreams, no matter where you come from, and losing your heart to the "beautiful game". New Black Films 2014.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

1 recenzia
Allan Youssef
14. januára 2017
Shooting for socrates