Shriek if You Know What I Did Last Friday The 13th

2010 • 86 de minute
10 recenzii
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Despre acest film

In every horror movie, there is a phone waiting to ring...a victim waiting to scream...a killer waiting to strike. And the only way to survive is to keep one thing in mind: stay one step ahead of the killer...even if the killer's a klutz! Now a sexy reporter (Tiffani- Ameber Thiessen) with a knack for getting into a tight place has teamed up with a bumbling policeman (Tom Arnold) to track a killerwhose deadly handiwork is known as the Spring Break Massacre. An all-star cast stars in a comedy so funny, you'll die laughing!

Evaluări și recenzii

10 recenzii
Soldier of Christ
28 octombrie 2019
It was ok dont think it was all that but its a good film if your that person who'd like scary movie
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Utilizator Google
29 martie 2019
best movie ever
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Michelle Portelli
12 decembrie 2021
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