Matthew Hanzo
.. and beautiful British countryside. If you are like me and like your comedy a little less mainstream, then this is for you, its a simple story with the underlying dark sentiments which everyone will connect with, filled with those annoying types you just wish something nasty would happen to...(in this it does), all the victims deserved to die right?....yes? no? well that's for you to decide.....enjoy :)
Ashley Fisher
Cleverly written, acted and directed, and the attention to detail is remarkable. Often dark comedy can be trite and predictable, but not here. At times, I couldn't stop laughing, even at the subtleties. And, there are some killer gags - I particularly liked Tina's knitted underwear. I never thought I see the day when 'Nuts in May' got usurped, but it has!
James Silver
I rate it 5 stars easily just for the trailer alone. Can't wait to see if the film is just as good!!!