Roberto Morales
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Although I have already watched this great and suspenseful blockbuster ; i do have to say,nontheless ;this film had me on my toes as i watched with excitement . Especially since this film was based off the plethora of signs that occur globally in crops -as well the fields - without answers . To me, it may seem dubious but with documentation of real life events taking place it leaves one with no other option to be even more psyched out about it. This movie is great thanks.🙌😀
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The actors all gave great performances, and the exploration of struggling with faith following tragedy was interesting. But the story itself didn't hold together and a lot of the effort to build suspense was gimmicky. The events at the ending really don't make a lot of sense - very contrived & somewhat anticlimactic. Final note: the air on this planet is FULL of water vapor.
Jasmine Keller
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Volví a comprarlo después de su lanzamiento en DVD y Mel Gibson nos dio un lado de la paranoia que algunos de nosotros en algún momento hemos experimentado con fenómenos extraños y experiencias de otro mundo. La gente tiende a cuestionar la cordura de otros que han experimentado algo que no se puede explicar, que te distancia de la familia y los amigos, pero cuando finalmente ven que es real, no saben cómo lidiar con su propia cordura. Definitivamente vale la pena verlo