Silent Hill

2006年 • 125 分鐘
565 則評論


A mother and daughter flee to a strange abandoned town to seek out answers to the daughter's nightly psychological turmoil in Brotherhood of the Wolf director Christophe Gans' adaptation of the popular survival horror video game. Sharon (Jodelle Ferland) is a very sick child, yet rather than seeing her child suffer the cruel indignities of the medical profession, Rose (Radha Mitchell) ignores her husband's (Sean Bean) pleas and absconds with her ailing daughter to the fog-enshrouded town of Silent Hill. A town drenched in darkness and inhabited by a strange collection of menacing specters, Silent Hill seemingly swallows young Sharon whole upon arrival. Determined to get her daughter back at any cost, Rose sets out to explore the mysterious Silent Hill, only to discover an evil so powerful that it possesses the ability to transform anything it wishes. With the deeply disturbing history of the town slowly coming into focus through the dense fog, Rose soon realizes that both she and her daughter may be little more than simple pawns in a much larger, and seemingly supernatural, game.


565 則評論
Jacob Radford
This film is one of the greatest horror films, and games of all time. What makes it so scary is its intense creepy atmosphere, are its darkness. AND silent hill homecoming was awesome. Don't deny it, or hate on it
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such a cold and abstract horror film. background in the game series helps, mainly so that you don't spend time trying to decipher the segments of the film that try to feed you storyline and plot points. amazing visuals. terrifying and jarring.
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I rented this movie for 30days I only got it for 3 what's up with that. Please read before u buy if not they take ur money and ur left with a 3 day movie. Not happy afraid t rent more