Singin' in the Rain

1953 • 102 minút
9 recenzií
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Tento film

Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds and Donald O'Connor star in one of the greatest musicals ever filmed. Musician Don Lockwood (Kelly) rises to stardom during Hollywood's silent-movie era--paired with the beautiful, jealous and dumb Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen). When Lockwood becomes attracted to young studio singer Kathy Selden (Reynolds), Lamont has her fired. But with the introduction of talking pictures, audiences laugh when they hear Lockwood speak for the first time--and the studio uses Selden to dub her voice. Set during the advent of "talkies," this film's classic song-and-dance numbers celebrate the beginning of movie musicals.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

9 recenzií
Meg Gatland-Veness
17. januára 2022
Flawless. One of the greatest movies of all time.
Reuben Whyte (The ironic teletubby)
14. novembra 2020
This movie is the best movie 😍😍😍
anne bellette
27. decembra 2021
Great movie