
2014 • 116 минут
349 отзывов
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Информация о фильме

We are not alone in the Universe... Nor here on Planet Earth. The Earth has been visited by advanced Inter-Stellar Civilizations that can travel through other dimensions faster than the speed of light. They use energy propulsion systems that can bring us to a new era. Humans have also developed these systems but those in power have suppressed them in order to keep us at the mercy of fossil fuels. Emmy award winning director Amardeep Kaleka, introduces you to the world of Dr. Steven M. Greer, revealing his proof of alien visitors, and examining his intel of existing energy technologies, technologies that have the power to change the world as we know it.

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349 отзывов
iisi “IIsi 50MHz” ø
22 марта 2015 г.
Illogical Rubbish. Even the trailer accuses scientists of irrationally ignoring hard evidence, which is the opposite of how science and scientists work. The problem is that the "hard evidence" proves to be misunderstood, or even deliberately falsified. Even if you don't watch the production, watch the trailer; notice how the speaker is skilled at speaking in a believable manner while simultaeously uttering disproven nonsense as though it is factual.
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Matt Ingraham
28 мая 2015 г.
People behind this group is the Rothchilds, and that they know that these are not aliens from another planet, but they are the demons of old which have been here from the being. Why would a advanced civilization play hide and seek with earth and its people which R so very behind as technology they could take over any minute. This makes no sense whatsoever, but they want you to believe our military somehow has control over these aliens that can travel across space and have them do as we want them to do.
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Lynn Tassos
31 мая 2015 г.
I rented this for 99 cents and I feel cheated out of my money. Just another documentary filled with speculation and inconclusive evidence. No real proof was presented! If countries like Russia and India have opened their files, where's the evidence? Nothing concrete was presented making skeptics even more skeptical.
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