Sleep Tight

2012 • 100 минут
Отзывы: 18
Рейтинг Rotten Tomatoes
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Информация о фильме

Toiling silently amongst the residents of an everyday Barcelona apartment building, doorman Cesar (Luis Tosar) harbors a dark secret: his sole desire in life is to make others unhappy. When he sets his sights on Clara (Marta Etura), one of his building's cheeriest residents, his sick need blossoms into a full-fledged obsession. Embarking on a series of private and physical violations against Clara, Cesar becomes determined to ruin her life by any means necessary. Becoming the boogeyman hiding under the bed and bringing her nightmares to life, his fascination with torment soon crosses the line into lunacy - and his thirst for others' sadness soon becomes manically unquenchable. Acclaimed Spanish director Jaume Balagueró, co-creator of [REC] and [REC]², delves into the perverse fantasies of a man on the brink, and delivers an unnerving tale of obsession and torment that delivers nonstop thrills right up to its shocking conclusion.
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18 отзывов
B Shannon
27 декабря 2018 г.
Quite tense and nerve wracking. - simply excellent!
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Justin Morris
30 июля 2013 г.
Truly creepy because it believable.
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Andrew Beesting
2 ноября 2017 г.
Dumb ass movie
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