To four boys growing up on the streets in the Mid 1960s, Hell’s Kitchen was a place of innocence ruled by corruption. The infamous New York City neighborhood that stretched north from 34th to 56th Street and pushed west from the 8th Avenue to the Hudson River was guided by both priests and gangsters. The children who grew up there shared joyful times, but subscribed to a sacred social code -- crimes against the neighborhood were not permitted, and when they did occur, punishment was severe. Four friends made a mistake that changed their lives forever. (Original Title - Sleepers) - 1996 Universal Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
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Зохисгүй гэж дарцаглах
Шүүмжийн түүхийг харуулах
2018 оны тавдугаар сарын 19
Es una pelicula q me impacto dsd la 1era vz qla vi. Y no me aburro dverla.
Es la mejor peli qvi!
Nondumiso Pikashe
Зохисгүй гэж дарцаглах
2021 оны нэгдүгээр сарын 1
a movie to be watched by every boy and parent , one of society's miscalculations .