Sleeping Beauty

2011 • 101 minutu
107 iritzi
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Film honi buruz

SLEEPING BEAUTY, which premiered in competition at this years' Cannes Film Festival, is a fascinating depiction of a young woman's reckless decent into a shocking world of erotic desires. Lucy (Emily Browning) is a young university student possessed by a kind of radical passivity. She lets a flip of a coin decide the outcome of a random sexual encounter and she displays an uncomplaining patience when facing the repetitions of her various menial jobs that fund her studies. One day she answers an ad in the student newspaper and interviews for a job to be a lingerie waitress. But she is secretly being initiated into a world of strange new work; one where she will have to give into absolute submission to her clients by being sedated; becoming a Sleeping Beauty. Eventually this unnerving experience begins to bleed into her daily life and she finally develops the will to break the spell by discovering what happens to her while she sleeps.

Balorazioak eta iritziak

107 iritzi
g shute
2016(e)ko ekainaren 12(a)
Browning plays a girl who is desperately alive. Every move she makes reeks of escape from her demons. She lives on the ragged edge of exhaustion. She says "no" to nothing, not even drudgery. This movie was over too soon. I want to see more by this writer-director, Leigh. She reminds me of Jane Campion. Wow.
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Kervin Jacque
2015(e)ko martxoaren 11(a)
- I liked the movie . The women should've trusted her employeer when she was being interviewed . My only question is wondering if that the man died or not. I loved this film nonetheless and she was indeed beautiful and I can see why the movies titled "Sleeping Beauty" - I recommend you to watch this.
2 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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Vanessa Borges
2021(e)ko abuztuaren 2(a)
Saw this movie with my brother we both didn't seem to care about it The only thing that really brought out and got the very best of him was seeing that beautiful young redeaded woman.
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