Shane Morton
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Interesting ideas, and a decent narrative for the story, but the science, and mediocre acting make it just an OK movie. Coins and copper slugs are not magnetic, so it's disappointing that these are pretty big parts of the story. With a few tweaks, it could have been more realistic, but shortcuts were taken, making it a weaker film in my opinion. Felt like Iron Man mixed with Unbreakable. Not bad, but could have been better.
Cedric Baggett
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This is one of the most amazing films never publicized correctly. Latimore brings so much emotion to this movie and is definitely a great lead in a movie. The action scenes were pretty decent and the concept of his power is the best described and placed out there. Definitely looking forward to a follow up film of him. This is definitely one of the most awesome movies that should be helped and supported to watch on any streaming app and store that can hold this movie. It's time for another Sleight movie to hit the theatres and real soon I shall say.
Mike The Mugger (RageFloorController)
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Stereotypical gangbangers fight over gang stuff. Drugs and money. Also one of them has an electromagnet in their arm. Slow burn never really reaches a climax. Movie feels like it's over around the time things start getting interesting. The moral of this story seems to be "screw everyone else over so you can undo your own mistakes". Movie box art and description is severally misleading. 1/10 would rather watch "Straight outta Compton" and then "Push" right after.
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