
2000 • 103 minút
569 recenzií
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Tento film

When jewel thief, Franky Four Fingers (Benicio Del Toro), takes a slight detour to London on route to delivering a huge stolen diamond to his boss in New York, he unwittingly sets off an avalanche of sinister and comic events that wind their way through the rough and tumble worlds of bare-knuckle boxing, Irish gypsies, pawn shops, pig farming and... a stray dog. SNATCH, Guy Ritchie's brilliant follow up to his critically acclaimed Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels, exposes us to his hip and helter-skelter view of London's gangster underbelly. Ritchie's characteristic fast-paced and constantly twisting story features a madcap ensemble cast of larger-than-life characters, including Jason Statham, an unlicensed boxing promoter; Stephen Graham, his bumbling Sidekick; Alan Ford, the local underworld kingpin; Dennis Farina, Franky's no-nonsense boss; Vinnie Jones, a legendary thug; Rade Sherbedgia, a psycho double-crossing Russian; and Brad Pitt, in a hilarious turn as a fast-talking gypsy bare-knuckle boxer. MPAA Rating: R © 2000 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

569 recenzií
Joey Kirkland
22. januára 2013
One of my all time favorite G. R. films. Brad Pitt was great. Only problem? This was categorized as a "Jason Statham flick" and it is anything but. I stopped being a Statham fan when then credits rolled on this film... Most of his other movies are garbage. So if you're looking for a Statham flick better go rent the Transporter 3 and stay away from this one and Lock, Stock, and 2 Smoking Barrels
1 osoba považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
Darren W.
25. decembra 2013
Loved the cinematography, and the way the characters were all connected. Great cast! it is truly one of my favorite movies. I am still saying random quotes, years later. Instant classic!
Používateľ služieb Google
28. októbra 2012
This second movie by Ritchie is just as good as the first. Brad Pitt is hilarious as Mickey and Stateham is great as well. If you liked Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels you'll love this.