Sniper: Assassin’s End

2020. • 95 minuta
67 recenzija
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O ovom filmu

Special Ops Sniper Brandon Beckett (Chad Michael Collins) is set-up as the primary suspect for the murder of a foreign dignitary on the eve of signing a high-profile trade agreement with the United States. Narrowly escaping death, Beckett realizes that there may be a dark operative working within the government and partners with the only person whom he can trust, his father legendary Sniper Sgt. Thomas Beckett (Tom Berenger). Both Becketts are on the run from the CIA, Russian Mercenaries, and a Yakuza-trained assassin with sniper skills that rival both legendary sharp shooters.

Ocene i recenzije

67 recenzija
ragde sayapac
16. februar 2021.
About experienced ,i see for what do you want to your viewers ..but like me i'm a poor man i cant afford the price how can i see a complete movie like that...todays pandemic im joblees you know!
youtuberong putol
13. avgust 2020.
I like watching this movie this have a nice character
50 osoba smatra da je ova recenzija korisna
Jonnel Legazpi
10. avgust 2020.
So nice movie very best action