Katrina Ellsworth
2015(e)ko abenduaren 3(a) I grew up watching this. When I re-watched it as an adult, I found it very interesting. It incorporates a lot of movie techniques and styling that were used at the time, which makes it a very different style from the rest of the old classic Disney movies. (Prominent examples would be when the evil queen turns into a hag; Snow White's hair, clothing, voice, and figure (which is one of the more realistic ones); the personification of the forest when Snow White is scared running away.)
138 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
Cindi Johnson (CJ)
2016(e)ko urtarrilaren 21(a) Was the first Halloween costume that I can remember as a child was being Snow White - I absolutely LOVE this movie! People should really STOP complaining regarding the price of this classic film, because of the fact it's been in moratorium for so MANY YEARS now & once Disney decides to do that again, they'll WISH they would've purchased it. A MUST have for any Disney collection/movie lover.
98 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
Cole Carda
- Salatu desegokia dela
- Erakutsi iritziaren historia
2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 26(a) I never liked it as a kid. I feel like the voice for Snow White was much too giddy for a princess. None of the voices were familiar. Secondly, I think the film is very boring, dull, heartbreaking, and lush. And the prince does not get enough screen time. And I also feel like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are better than this.