Snow on the Bluff

2012 • 78 minút
393 recenzií
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Tento film

Curtis Snow, an Atlanta robber and crack dealer, stole a camera from some college kids in a dope deal. The footage he then captured with his new possession depicts the grittiness of his real life on the harsh city streets where anything goes.

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393 recenzií
Laurdess Valentino
29. januára 2016
Sit right next to this dude in class, get the same education and you still can't understand a f#@king word that comes out of his mouth. The epitome of stupid.
3 osoby považujú túto recenziu za užitočnú
Jean Luc Pressoir
30. júna 2020
Seeing how you always gotta look after yourself and others around you no matter if someone ask for a ride or you give them a ride you shouldn't do that all. As for me I just be walking to places on my own even if it's a long walk at least no one would give anybody they don't know anyway especially at certain neighborhoods. The Bluff is a district within the area that is infamous throughout metro Atlanta for the availability of drugs, heroin in particular. The Bluff is also known as English Avenue and Vine City are two adjacent and closely linked neighborhoods of Atlanta, Georgia.
Alva Mosquito
31. októbra 2015
hello, take this off my movies and you can give me back my money if not take it off anyway please and thank you