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Snowden (2016)

2016 • 134 daqiqa
157 ta sharh
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Audio mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

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In 2013 Edward Snowden quietly leaves his job at the NSA and flies to Hong Kong to meet with journalists Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill and filmmaker Laura Poitras to reveal U.S. government cyber surveillance programs of epic proportions. A top security contractor with virtuoso programming skills, Ed has discovered that a virtual mountain of data is being assembled, tracking all forms of digital communication - not just from foreign governments and terror groups but from ordinary Americans.
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157 ta sharh
Nicholas Williams
30-aprel, 2017
Dull and monotonous, feels like a big conspiracy theory. Never gets going and you'll learn nothing you didn't already know.
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Ken Pudsey
21-aprel, 2017
This is a good movie,and quite disturbing,to think that everything we have is being watched,just like in George orwell's 'Big Brother' very watchable!
4 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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nick tucker
7-aprel, 2017
This is a very good movie true story now you will be wondering who can see you even if your phone and computer is turned off
5 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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