Soaked In Bleach

2015年 • 89 分钟
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The events behind Kurt Cobain's death as seen through the eyes of Tom Grant, the PI hired by Courtney Love in 1994. - The events behind Kurt Cobain's death as seen through the eyes of Tom Grant, the private investigator hired by Courtney Love to track down her missing husband (Kurt Cobain) only days before his deceased body was found. The film develops as a narrative mystery with cinematic re-creations, interviews with key experts and witnesses and the examination of official artifacts from the 1994 case.


Susan Pa
At last, Kurt Cobain is treated with the dignity and respect he deserves. Anyone who sees this and doesn't at least think this case should be re-investigated either doesn't care about the truth, or prefers to live with their heads in the sand. It takes a true coward and sociopath to maliciously lie for 21 years about a dead man who's not here to speak for himself, but that is what Kurt has gotten. Now I hope he will get justice.
derrick R
I think that this is a way bigger cover up than anybody sees what im saying is i think that not only the seattle police department but higher powers also covered up somthing! I think he was murdered plain and simple! And i can tell you money is deffinitly the motive and alot of people and i mean alot got payed off!
Laurdess Valentino
I have always thought that Kurt died of murder. Even if this opened up your eyes to it being $#!tty police work, it still shows the definition of the c word in Courtney Love.