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Solo: A Star Wars Story

2018 • 133 daqiqa
339 ta sharh
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Buckle up for the ride of your life aboard the Millennium Falcon! Through a series of daring escapades, Han Solo befriends his mighty future copilot Chewbacca, forging a bond that will alter the fate of a galaxy in an epic action adventure directed by Ron Howard and written by Jonathan & Lawrence Kasdan.
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339 ta sharh
Pudjo Damaryono
24-noyabr, 2018
I liked this movie. I mean... we saw Star Wars from the different point of view. Star Wars isn't just about the Force and Lightsaber duels. There's much more than that :)
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Talitha Kirana
1-oktabr, 2019
I watched This movie in theater and it was kinda cool. Unfortunately this one can't be as great as Rogue One. Sadly. But still this is a part of Star Wars universe, which means this movie is a must for me to watch.
147 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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Franco van Reenen
8-yanvar, 2021
This is a great movie that explains Han Solo and many other characters like Lando and Chewbacca's part in star wars. Definitely would recommend.
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