Son of Flubber

1963 • 102 minút
43 recenzií
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Tento film

Medfield's lovable but hopelessly absent-minded professor -- Ned Brainard (Fred MacMurray) -- bounces back in this classic Disney film with hilarious new mishaps when he experiments with the amazing by-products of his startling anti-gravity substance, "flubber." Windows shatter, football players fly, and thunderstorms materialize indoors as Professor Brainard fights to keep Medfield College from falling into the hands of ruthless land developer Alonzo Hawk (Keenan Wynn).

Hodnotenia a recenzie

43 recenzií
Russell Rogers
17. apríla 2020
Ughh.. this movie is just a far less fun and way more convoluted reboot of much better "The Absent-Minded Professor". There's way too much time spent on the professor's finances/marriage mixed with basically the same beats seen in the first film. On top of this, Flubber Gas is some ridiculous miracle material that does everything from breaking glass, making things float, creates rain, makes produce massive, wins football games, and settles legal court cases; it's just too much.
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Actore The_[]_Actore
10. júna 2021
The Original Score Was ;(Bettlesuise); Just Flubber!!!
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Lillia Franco
19. augusta 2022
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